Step 1: Know your target
What many
sales and business people fail to do is to clearly identify who their target
market is. They feel that “everybody is a prospect”. Even though your
product may very well be usable by “everybody” or every company, not everybody
has the ability to make the buying decision. So, in order to create a
successful selling environment, you must know the demographics of your decision
Is the
final decision made at the C-Level? VP? HR? Facilities Manager? Husband?
Wife? Is there only one decision maker, or are there multiple? If
multiple, what specific benefits will each one look for from your product or
remember that for every buying decision there are four buying roles that
will be played:
- The Fiscal Buyer - person that writes the check
- The Practical Buyer - the person that looks for all of the technicalities as to how well your product or service solves their specific challenge
- The Consumer Buyer - the person, or persons, that will use your product or service.
- The Coach - the person that coaches you through the sales process of the others. These can be all one person, they can be a committee of people or anything in between, but every role will be played in every sale. Let’s break each role down and also discuss why it is important to get each one’s buy-in in order to make the sale.
you’re selling B2B or B2C and you have more than one individual involved in the
buying process, you will need a Coach. Think about the last time you made
a personal major purchase, such as a car. If you’re the negotiating person
for the husband and wife team, you’ve forewarned your mate not to get excited
when they see the car they want, to play it cool and to let you do the
If the
salesperson is alert and sales savvy, they’ll identify who the negotiating person
is right away. Knowing that they need inside information to get the deal
closed right then and there, they would smartly set-up an opportunity to get
the non-negotiating person to open up to them as to what it will take to get
the deal done. Once they have that information, they are properly
positioned to make the sale. I have purchased more cars because this
information was divulged than I want to admit.
The same
applies to a business setting. Let’s say, for instance, that you are
selling IT software. You have found a contact at a mid-management
level. For the purpose of our discussion, that person is the Practical
Buyer. So, you find out what the practical and technical needs are for
solving the challenge they are currently facing. Now, you need to understand
how the Fiscal and Consumer Buyers see the challenge and what it will take to
win them over to a sale.
Practical Buyer now becomes your Coach, too. Once you see that the
Practical Buyer agrees that you have the solution to his/her challenge, you can
ask what information they see would be valuable to the other buyers.
- How would your solution help the Consumer Buyers’ jobs be easier?
- What would it take for them to easily adopt your software?
- How has the lack of a solution so far had a fiscal impact on the company?
- What other solutions has the Fiscal Buyer looked at and why haven’t any of them been implemented?
Not only
the “What”, but the “How” they buy is important, too. What buying process
does the Fiscal Buyer use? How have they defined what the “right” solution
looks like? Again, in these areas is where your Coach becomes an
invaluable part of your selling process.
One last
note about the Coach. Your Coach could easily be someone at an entry level
of an organization, such as a receptionist. I have made many sales based
on building a relationship with receptionists and getting them to share with me
information about the company, people in the company and the best way to
interact with them.
Coach can also be a person outside of the organization you want to do business
with, but has relationships, or at least a strong familiarity, with the
organization. This could be a salesperson that has sold a similar product
to the company, a consultant, or someone that has worked for the company in the
past, to name a few.
Consumer Buyer
These are
the people that will use your product or service. You have probably worked
at a company where you saw a lot of buzz going on with management and then, the
next thing you know, some new process, tool, software, etc. is being
introduced. You look at it. You touch it. You talk to your co-workers
about it. And, you all decide that it isn’t right for you because it is
going to make your job harder for you. It’s not as easy to work with. The
format of the page is different. You have an additional process to go
through to do the same job. So, the project fails.
what I mean by getting the Consumer Buy-in or adoption. I have found that
one of the best ways to get Consumer Buy-in is by offering a free trial, if
possible. Once the trial is complete, then create a form to have the
Consumer Buyers give you input and rate your product/service. An
additional benefit to using a free trial is that, if the majority of the
Consumer Buyer population favors your product/service, then you have ammunition
to use with the other Buyers as to why they should go with you as their
Practical Buyer
This is
the person that makes sure your product/service meets the company’s
specifications. Is it the right size? Does it work with their other
hardware, software, voltages, etc. Is it user-friendly? Will it cause
the company to have to make any changes, such as physically altering their
facility, having additional staff training, etc.
person, many times more than not, is looking for a way to knock you out of the
competition. They are looking for a reason to tell you no. This is
only logical, because once they have eliminated all of the people they can
because of what many times would be considered a minor issue, the sooner they
can focus on the vendors they know meet the minimums and they can build from
By the
way, for obvious reasons, this is a great person to have on your side and
recommending you to the rest of the Buyers. It is also another reason to
go into your selling situation well-prepared, either by your own research, a
Coach, or both. Knowing what your Practical Buyer’s minimum needs are will
go a long way to setting yourself up for sales success.
Fiscal Buyer
I left
this Buyer for last because he/she/they will be the one(s) that make the
decision to write the check. As you have noticed, all of the Buyers up to
this point had a focused agenda, their needs. Not that the Fiscal Buyer
doesn’t. But, especially if you’re selling at the President and C-level,
this person has a much broader brush stroke to be concerned about.
the others have more of the here-and-now in view, the C-level person has the
future in view. This person will be concerned, not just about the
immediate cost and effects, but on-going costs and effects. They will be
concerned about how your product/service will affect future plans for the
company. One of the best situations you can encounter is when the
perspectives of what the solution looks like is an empty canvass. This is
where you truly become a partner with the company in building the vision of
what the solution looks like.
If you
have the opportunity to meet with the Fiscal Buyer early on in the buying
process, it is to your advantage to help that person script the vision of the
solution. In this way, if you can truly be of help in solving the
challenge they want you to solve, you have set the standard by which any other
vendors being considered will be judged by. This puts you at a distinct
So, be a
consultant, advisor, even a partner, with the Fiscal Buyer and look long-term
as to how your product/service will solve the challenge(s) they are facing now
and into the future.
One last
thought before we move on to help your thought-process be simple. Keep in
mind that all prospects and Buyers listen to the same radio station,
WIIFM. What’s In It For Me. They don’t care if you want to buy a new
car, a house, or a boat. They want to know what you are going to do for
them, both personally and for their position in the company. So, be
outward focused during the selling process. As Zig Ziglar said many years
ago, “If I help enough people get what they want, then, in return, I’ll get
what I want.”
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