Friday 17 May 2013

How to Decide Between a Tablet or Laptop?

In the past couple of years, there was no concept of tablets only laptops were known to the people but now the technology has so much evolved. The world is dominated by tablets of many kinds. It is a mental torture for the people to decide which is best suitable for them because more or less they both do same job. More people are attracting towards the tablets because of their portability and laptops manufactures are also thriving hard to give consumers the portability which they desire. The following will clear your dilemma of deciding between a tablet and a laptop.

Purpose of Buying a New Device

When buying a new device one common question that pops out in every person’s mind is that what purpose you seek from the new device. Deciding your purpose will help you a lot in purchasing your device. If you want something to play games and surf the internet all day long sitting and lying on the bed, then tablet is the best choice. You can also read e-books in a tablet very comfortably which is an advantage. Tablets can also run other applications apart from entertainment. However, if you want something tremendously fast that can perform your every task with ease including office work, playing games and movies without compromising the speed then, laptop should be your first choice.

Storage Selection

Laptops support massive storage capabilities, they are ideal for storing large number of files and running powerful applications that require large space. The storage can be expanded to even terabytes. Tablets on the other hand have explicably less memory than laptops. They fill the entire storage though, many of the tablets are now equipped with expansion slots but that can also be insuffienct for professional users. If you can suffice on the given storage then you can surely go for it.

Portability Level

Tablets can be extremely portable as you only need to carry them in a pouch with a pocket-sized portable charger. However, it is no surprise that laptop is very portable, but in comparison to desktop only. You still have to carry them in a large bulky case with charger and other stuff which will eventually make it extensively heavy. If you are looking for portability then tablet is a suitable choice.

Typing Against Touching

If your aim is to use the device extensively for entering text then it will be a hard time doing so in a tablet. It will be quite laborious to type on the touchscreen as the key arrangement is not well adjusted. Although there are add-on accessories available for tablets which include different types of keyboard but they might be irritating to use because of their soft tiny keys. Laptops has significantly larger and more comfortable keyboard which gives you the advantage of typing continuously.


Without an argument laptops are more durable and stable than the tablets. One reason of that can be their screen is not exposed which makes is less vulnerable to damage and cracks. However there are protections available for tablets but that does not help much. Tablets main point of use is their screen, if their screen is damaged it will be of no use. If you are looking for something hard-wearing then laptop is more preferable.

Long term Expenses

If you are financially bound, you might want to ponder over after-buying expenses. A laptop will never trouble with long term expenses. Your home network can easily work on it via Wi-Fi or USB dongle. But the tablet will have to be connected to mobile internet service or 3G if wireless connection is Unavailable, raising your budget. It will also need to replace protection covers periodically to maintain its condition.

Battery Life

Laptops have shorter battery life comparatively though, new laptops have 8-7 hour’s battery life but that will raise your budget substantially. Conversely, Tablet last longer 8-10 hours easily depending on usage. If battery timing is your concern then tablet is more suitable for you, avoiding the headache of charging laptop. One advantage of tablet is that it is always on standby so you don’t have to restart it every time you want to use.

Eventually, it is upon you to consider your needs and your purpose that you want to achieve from your device. These both devices are not entire different but has their own limitations and characteristics in which they outperform over one another. So it is best to contrast your requirements against your purchase which will surely help you make the right decision. 

Laptop vs Tablet

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